Admissions Process
Step 1 - Inquiry
To start the process, complete our short inquiry form. A member of our admissions team will contact you.
Step 2 - Book a tour
Quality education is a two-way process, and it is important for you to feel that Aspenshire is a good fit for your child’s education. Once we have received your inquiry, we will arrange a visit for you to see our school in action.
Step 3 - Application
Should you be satisfied and ready to move forward, we invite you to complete our Application Form for enrollment.
Stage 4 - Placement Assessment
Upon acceptance of your application, we will arrange for a Baseline Assessment for your child.
This is to ensure that we have a thorough understanding of your child’s previous knowledge, skills, and understanding. The Head of the school will discuss the results with you.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Phone: 095 229 1616
Line: @aspenshire